My grandma, aunt, and cousin came over to visit us in Singapore a month ago, and they decided to visit Resorts World Sentosa.
I honestly don't get why people would pay to visit aquariums. I just have completely no interest in fish. The place did look really pretty and amazing, but I just wouldn't /fish/ out money to spend an hour walking around claustrophia-inducing rooms.
My grandma, lover of anything remotely flora, wanted to go to Gardens By The Bay to do a little photoshoot. So we went over with my brother and my aunt and walked around and had a little picnic.
If Singapore's weather wasn't so erratic, and if Gardens By The Bay was much more accesible to me, I truly thing that I would spend at least two days a week just lying in the field, reading and relaxing.
I have as much interest in plants and flowers as I do in fish, which is very little, but if I were to pick between the two, I'd much rather spend an afternoon in Gardens By The Bay. It is open, airy, and has tonnes of great photo opps.
I hope you're all enjoying bright and sunny days.