Sunday, 13 November 2011

Photos, rings, and silly things.

I can't wait to have this new project up and running! I AM PSYCHED. I just realized that I've been starting or, at least, planning to start more projects and everything has been going so far! This is making me feel productive and happy.
A few days ago, I got a ring very similar to the one shown above. This is a Low Luv Armour Knuckle Ring by Erin Wasson in Gold, it retails for about SGD130, and it is beautiful. So when I saw a really close imitation to this for only SGD13, I whined until my friends forced me to just suck it up and fork out the money to get it.

I never meant to get anything a ring like this, especially something so expensive. I wouldn't even spend two dollars on a normal ring. In fact, I actually really dislike wearing rings, because I can never seem to find one to suit my fat, long fingers. But this knuckle ring just seemed really unique and lovely! This shall be the accessory of my lifetime! My signature thing, if you will. I am in love with it.

Since I currently have a friend's Wacom tablet to abuse for a week or two, I've been loving messing around with Photoshop and photos. It's not much of drawings/paintings, but I love using it as a cursor to manipulate things. So I've been making a lot of banner-like things, so could you kindly help me decide something? Do you think I should stay with my current blog banner or either one of the photos above? Thanks, guys! It'd be a big help. :)

I think I should probably sleep now. Despite the fact that I'm not going to school tomorrow, I need to catch up on sleep. Goodnight.

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