Monday, 7 November 2011


Not seeing the rest of you is getting the best of me.

I've been stalking this young lad, and of course I sound like a pedophile again, but I'm really not. This boy is four years older than me and I am enjoying myself. I was recently captivated by him when I saw him online. He's no musician or Youtuber or celebrity, basically. He's just a normal person I came across the internet. Well, an incredibly charming person.

I don't know why, but guys who can pull off Creepers or a tongue stud OR coloured contacts are automatically attractive to me. It's especially commendable if they're Asian. So I was just blown away when I came upon this guy's profile on Facebook while I was randomly derping around on the internet.

Hello, lovely guy. I hope that you would carry on wearing Creepers, stop your bad self-destructive habits, and be happy! :)

In other news, I just cut my fringe again into bangs. Why, you ask? It's so that when they grow out, I can part my fringe into wherever way I want! Smart ey? I think so. So anyway, while it's still in its bangs phase, I shall try to wear hats this week. Yes, this week shall be hat week. WEAR ALL THE HATS. 

Oh man, I need to get more sleep. Goodnight.

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