Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Second Semester


It's my second week of school, but I haven't even been to school for five days and I've already had two classes cancelled.

I assume that my next 14 weeks or so are gonna go a lot like this. Being awake for 30 hours and more on Mondays and Thursdays, then sleeping the whole day on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Being in school at least two hours early for every class, working on projects in Makan Place in the morning. Trying oh so hard not to let my brain come up with a murder plan for my lecturers. It's a tough life, being a DVFX student.

I've only been to school four times this semester, and I already know it's gonna be hell. I had the worst day on Monday, and I pray to God that I would never have a day like that ever again. I came to school two hours early, only to find out an hour before class starts that it's cancelled. How inconsiderate. So Nicolette and I decided to go up to the Attic to catch some sleep before the next class, only to sit outside like hobos because it didn't open 'til 9.30am. By then, we were in that sleep deprived state that makes people go batshit crazy, so we played games and rolled and ran around the empty room. Stayed there for a couple of hours, only to go to our afternoon class and find out that it only lasted for an hour. What.

Like I usually wouldn't care, but this is insane. Ah. A series of unfortunate events indeed. Hopefully there wouldn't be any other days like that. Ever. I hope to God. Please. I mean, how bad could things get. I'm pretty sure things can only get better from here.

I should probably work on projects now. Or go for a run. Or watch some movies. Or go to sleep. Totes not procrastinating. This is not word vomit.


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