Thursday 20 February 2014



I am unofficially done with my final semester of polytechnic, and since I have no plans of going to university, I am pretty much done with my academic life. This is both extremely freeing, yet also extremely terrifying.

On one hand, it’s amazing as I am free from the torturous clutches of regularly attending school, I no longer have to see condescending lecturers, and I no longer to force yourself to retain bouts of information to pass a module. 

On the other hand, I would probably need to work with insane production schedules,  have to submit to condescending superiors, I would still need to follow schedules and deadlines, and I still have to work with retaining information to work on a project. Obviously, this is turning out great.

It is a slightly terrifying time for me right now, because from now onwards, everything I do is essentially a huge game changer. From whether I decide to get out of bed that day, to the type of jobs I choose to apply for, everything could essentially take me down a different lane and I don’t know how I feel about that. This made me realise that I have finally gotten to a point in my life where I substantially care for money, not just to have money to travel or for clothes, but to survive.

Joining any part of the creative industry, you are faced with the major decision of whether to sell your soul to the commercial devils or to just scrape by but work on something you love. I am completely torn. When it comes to the media industry, advertisements (of any kind) is where the big money is. The downside is that you have to cater to clients who can’t make up their mind, possibly sacrifice your artistic direction

If your dream job is sitting in front of a desk from 9-5 making a stable living, then good for you. I do not, in any way, think that desk jobs are life-sucking in itself. I do, however, believe that they are simply not for everyone, specially not the likes of me. I get bored too easily and start showing up offensively late for work wearing way too casual clothing. I’m pretty sure if I worked at a company for more than a year, I’ll start showing up wearing sweatpants and passing them off as hipster slacks.

I have no idea where I will be a year from now, career-wise. I barely even know what career I want to pursue. I’m just hoping I’ll stumble into what I’m actually supposed to do, just like everyone else. In the meantime, I’ll enjoy putting up photos and ridiculous status updates on my social media with #lizaisunemployed or #lizagoestowork. Hopefully it’s the latter.

Oh yeah, meet Pichu. My office's resident cat, who wails and craves as much attention as a dog.

I hope you all have a purrfect weekend!
